I've finally finished my video fro my track "Singularity". The video features the same motion blur technique I use in my stills photography. It was produced by taking the same shot many times and also incorporating slow pans into the shot taking process. Most of the sequences were from 60 to 130 shots long. I used my Ricoh GR with a 3 stop nd filter to allow me to use a shutter speed of up to 1.3 seconds. It was difficult to create the same shot many times so that it didn't become too jumpy and there was a lot of fine tuning once the shots were in the computer. Having said that the resulting video has still got a jerky texture to it but that is the sort of look I was after. The shots were then edited in Lightroom to create the look I wanted and then exported as jpgs. I constructed the video using Serif Movieplus 5. I did investigate doing in Photoshop but Movieplus seemed to get me far more quickly to where I wanted to go. Watch the video on youtube h